The Salina Journal from Salina, Kansas (2025)

A Neighbors The Salina Journal Friday, March 30, 1984 Page N1 Family Roy Metzger's squadron. Roy Metzger is a 72-year-old partial shut-in. His latest hobby is miniature replicas of World War I and World War II military airplanes. Using scrap wood, saber saw, rasp, knife, sandpaper, glue and paint he makes one in three to four days. This has kept him busy most of his spare time this winter.

A Lorris Berry and Michelle Woodruff, both of Salina, acted as pages in the Kansas Legislature March 26 for Sen. Ben Vidricksen and Rep. Jayne Alyward. They were part of a statewide Page Day sponsored by the State of Kansas, Veterans of Foreign Wars and VFW Ladies Auxiliary. Students whose parents or relatives belong to the VFW or the auxiliary were pages for the Legislature.

This is the first time in Kansas Legislative history that all pages serving the Legislature were represented by the VFW and VFW Auxiliary. At play Leslie Wilgus, former Salina Central High School swimmer, has been awarded the Honor in swimming at Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, for the 1983-84 season. She is one of three freshmen swimmers to be awarded a Grinnell College letter and jacket. Wilgus also swam a leg on the 200 yard freestyle relay, which established a new school record for the event earlier this season. She is the daughter of Gus and Judy Wilgus, 2242 Country Hills Road.

A A Salina drivers emerged last Sunday with top honors for the second consecutive event of the young Solo II series of the Sports Car Club of America's Wichita Region. The event was run at the Cessna Aircraft plant in Wichita. Rocky Entriken, 1513 Pershing, took top time of the day with a run of 1 minute, 10.760 seconds in his Prepared class Triumph Spitfire. As the only entrant in EP, Entriken was bumped to the Prepared class, which he also won. The 7-car Stock class saw a 1-2 finish by Salina drivers.

Bill Pemberton, 2414 Applewood Lane, turned in the winning run with a time of 1:15.957 in a Mazda 626. Second was the Pinto of John Pihl, 448 S. 8th, with a run of 1:20.799. Scrapbook Mrs. Edward Cole has been appointed chairman of the Brookville residential campaign for the Kansas Chapter of the Leukemia Society of America.

The drive, now under way, runs through April 15. Leukemia, a form of cancer that affects the blood-forming tissues, kills more children than any other disease yet kills more adults than children. The Kansas Chapter provides supplementary financial assistance to patients with leukemia and related diseases. A At the final session, March 21, of the individual development plan course sponsored by the Salina Business and Professional Woman's Club, the best speaker award was presented 1 to Edith Krebs of Salina, who spoke on "Prayer in the Public Schools." The other members of the group voted her the most improved speaker. Members receiving completion certificates for the eight-week course in individual development were Cheryl Chopp, Linda Breen, and Denise Bennett.

The judges for the competition were Mrs. Lavern Myers and Mrs. Shirley Jacques of Salina. A A By Darren Nielson, age 8 2305 Northwood A A Lt. Col.

Jeff Guernsey, commander of the Salina Flight of the Civil Air Patrol has been awarded the Aerospace Education Achievement Award, earned by completing an indepth study of aerospace education. Guernsey is the first member of the Salina unit to earn the award. At work First Lt. Denise K. Peet, daughter of Melvern A.

and Barbara J. Peet of Salina, has been presented with the 1983 Silver Scribe Award for public affairs excellence in the Milky Way 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 (: 0 By Ryan Gedney, age 7 1220 E. Minneapolis How to join your Neighbors Would you like to put something in Neighbors? A basic premise under which this section has been created is that. all material in it (except for the top feature article) must be supplied by Journal readers. This means, you write the story, you take the picture.

The Journal's staff cannot write the items in this section, or take tips, interviews or notes for Neighbors items. We will, however, edit reader-written items to correct grammar and spelling, Polished writing talent is not needed. Just write the item as you would tell it in a letter to a friend. Written material should be no longer than two pages, typed, double-spaced. Handwritten items, neatly printed, also are acceptable.

Use only one side of a piece of paper. Virtually any photograph will be accepted, but readers should be aware that color or instant (e.g. Polaroid) photos may not reproduce as sharply as black-and-white prints. We cannot use negatives or slides. Children's drawings (no tracings) also are welcome.

Also original poetry and short prose. All material must include the name address and telephone number of the person sending it in (plus age, for children). We cannot print items sent in anonymously. Written material will not be returned; if the original is important, send us a photocopy. Photographs or drawings will be returned only if they are accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Items may be brought to the Journal office or mailed to: Neighbors, The Salina Journal, P.O. Box 779, Salina, Ks. 67402. Tactical Communications Division at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. Peet recently graduated from the Air Traffic Control Officer Training program at Tyndall, and has been assigned to Castle AFB, as deputy chief of air traffic control operations.

Rick Lewandowski, son of John and Gloria Lewandowski, 2419 Simmons, was awarded a silver cup for "Best in Show" for an exhibit he designed for the 1984 Philadelphia Flower Show. Lewandowski coordinated the exhibit for the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania. It was entitled "Treasures from the Orient: Plants for American Landscape" and was entered in the nonprofit educational class. The exhibit a also received awards from the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania for special achievement in horticulture, and from the Chicago Horticultural Society for outstanding skill and knowledge. display featured a Buddhist dwelling amidst a collection of almost 700 trees, shrubs and perennial plants native to China, Korea and Japan, which Lewandowski had grown for the show.

A John Palan, Marymount College associate professor of religious studies and philosophy, presented a paper at the southwest regional meeting of the American Academy of Religion in Dallas, Texas, March 17. The paper was entitled "William Rowe's Evidential Argument of Evil." Palan also presided over one of the meeting's sessions, and served as chairman of the religion and theology section of the regional meeting. The biography of Sister Mary Leon Pirotte, Marymount College associate professor of nursing, has been accepted for publication in the current edition of Who's Who in American Nursing. Sister Mary Leon has enjoyed a long history of service as a member of the Marymount nursing department faculty. She received the M.S.

degree in Nursing School Administration from St. Louis University. Additional study was done at the University of Utah, University of Chicago and the University of Colorado. William Medland, Marymount College academic dean, has co-authored an article in the current issue of Indiana Social Studies Quarterly. The article is entitled "Indiana and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854." Thank you notes We have a wonderful neighbor, Mr.

Dale Armstrong, who lives at 239 S. 2nd. Every time it snows he uses his snow blower to clean our walks in front and the sidewalks so we can get to our garage. After our ice and snow storm Monday, March 12, he was around to clean the walks. I have offered to pay him or buy gas He won't take anything.

He says that is what a neighbor is for. I want to thank him for the many good deeds. Mrs. Ralph Shelton 231 S. 2nd A I would like only a few lines in your paper to give credit to all the crews at My power was off for 15 hours and 15 minutes, but when I think how long it could have been off without these men it makes a cold chill run up my back.

All I can say is that being 40 feet in the air in freezing temperatures with a wind chill below zero and trying to romance a high voltage line is not for me. In the light you gave me back, I write this note to thank all of you who have worked long and hard to make our homes warm and light again. Jim Coddington 2518 Edward A Who are Larry Corcoran and Brad Bingesser? They are two men who deserve much thanks for coaching the Salina Bulldog basketball team. The 6th and 7th grade boys who played on the traveling team were: Dan Allen, Ryan Chatfield, Bret Goter, Danny Howard, By J.8. Fiske, age 10 2660 Highland Tom Dorsey Milton Lohman and Foxy enjoy a quiet moment together.

Lohman likes his lamps fancy Cutting wood to sell as firewood during the De- his furniture, such as end tables. He likes to work pression sparked Milton Lohman's interest in wood- with all types of hardwood, such as walnut and oak. working. Now he pursues the hobby in his retire- "The only thing is the price," he said. ment.

Before his retirement, Lohman said, "I was a "I've, always been interested in wood," said Loh- combination, a little bit of everything painter, paman, who lives with his wife, Viola, at 1426 W. perhanger and carpenter." He worked for Lee Crawford. Haworth Construction Co. for nearly 14 years. He fashions lamps on a lathe in his garage.

He es- The Lohmans' dog, Foxy, a half-Pomeranian and timates he has made 12 lamps, six of them now half-Chihuahua is now 3 years old. The Lohmans counted among his home's furnishings. have had her since she was 8 months old. Lohman tries to make his lamps "as fancy as I "She's the most affectionate dog I've ever seen," can." He usually gives his his work away, saying his Lohman said. lamps are hard to sell "because people don't realize Lohman was born on a farm south of Russell and how much work goes into them.

graduated from Washington High School, Salina, in On one of his lamps, Lohman used three types of 1937. He spent six years in the Army Air Corps durwood, making the design on the lathe. He made the ing World War II. In 1953, he and his wife moved base and finished the lamp on the lathe. back to Salina.

"Then I wire, and they're all ready to go." Lohman is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Along with lamps, Lohman also has made some of Wars and the Disabled American Veterans. Kurtis Herbel, Hung Lang, Brian Lange, Matt McCreary, Brent Milleson, Doug Roeder, Chris Stucky, and Rob Yarochowicz. The highlight of their season was traveling to Manhattan and playing in the tournament with teams from Omaha, Topeka, Manhattan and Salina, The overnight stay in the Manhattan Holidome was a real treat. Thanks to Larry and Brad for their positive influence on these young boys. It was a fun and rewarding experience.

The Jim Stuckys and other parents of the Salina Bulldogs To Captain Morse, Officers and 70 Men of the CO B-1-635 Armory, Salina, Kansas National Guard. Gentlemen: Recently I was stranded in your community as a result of a severe ice storm which turned Route 70 into a skating arena. All the hotels and motels were filled to capacity, so we were directed to your National Guard Armory where we were greeted by your young soldiers with the utmost kindness and consideration. As a former officer aboard troopships during World War II and Korea, I can say that your young soldiers are a credit to your city and our nation. I would also like to thank a young Samaritan by the name of Tom Belcher, who stopped and helped pull our car out of a ditch.

I have never doubted the goodness of our American people, your treatment of the men, women and children who sought sanctuary here has been renewed. Louis A. Maguire, Wrentham, Mass. 4, At school By Kris Harvey, age 7 2523 Simmons Two Salinans were among 22 Kansas State University sophomores tapped for membership into the Chimes scholastic and service honorary organization. Denise Middleton, 2400 Drake Place, and Karla Thomas, 1112 Gypsum, were chosen.

Middleton is majoring in pre-professional elementary education and Thomas in pre-physical therapy. Candidates must have a grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better, and be active in campus and community affairs. Coordination of the KSU Parent's Day in September is the main responsibility of Chimes. A A Gregory C. Case, 1222 Arlington Drive, was among nine Kansas State University students inducted into the Financial Management Association Honor Society.

Case, son of Clarence and Dixie Case, is majoring in finance and accounting. FMA membership requires a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in all finance and banking courses and 2.7 in all business and economics courses. A Three student members of the Office Education Association at Salina South High School have qualified to compete at the National OEA Leadership Conference April 26 to May 1 in Indianapolis, Ind. The qualifiers are Jodi Bupp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Bupp, 837 Scott; Jennifer Istas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Istas, 424 E. Jewell; and Stephanie Peltier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Andrew Peltier, 1306 Apache. The trio earned the right to compete at the national through their performance at the state OEA Leadership Conference March 21-22. Bupp finished third in job interview and fourth in job manual; Istas was second in steno fifth in job interview, and sixth in accounting II; Peltier was third in computer literacy. Other South students who placed (Continued to Page N2) My Cabbage Patch Kid A Patch A Birth fo Adoption Papers By Colleen McCain, age 310 Gall Drive.

The Salina Journal from Salina, Kansas (2025)


What famous person was born in Salina Kansas? ›

Gene Mauch was born on 18 November 1925 in Salina, Kansas, USA. He was an actor, known for Simon & Simon (1981), The Winning Team (1952) and Sunday Night Baseball (1990). He was married to Jodie Mannas and Nina Lee Taylor.

Why is Salina Kansas famous? ›

Salina is a trading centre for a large wheat-growing area, and grain milling is the chief industry.

Is Salina a good place to live? ›

Located at the crossroads of I-70 and I-135, Salina has a strong, diverse economic base. In combination, Salina is an affordable place to live featuring low cost transportation and quality health care. Salina has become a regional employment, retail, medical and hospitality hub for North Central and Central Kansas.

Who owns Salina Journal? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Who is the most famous celebrity in Kansas? ›

Actor Paul Rudd Tops The List
  1. Paul Rudd, Lenexa. ...
  2. Jason Sudeikis, Overland Park. ...
  3. Joanna Gaines, Wichita. ...
  4. Kirstie Alley, Wichita. ...
  5. Janelle Monae, Kansas City. ...
  6. Barry Sanders, Wichita. ...
  7. Eric Stonestreet, Kansas City. ...
  8. Rob Riggle, Overland Park.
Feb 9, 2024

What is the violent crime rate in Salina Kansas? ›

Salina Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes2031,499
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.3932.42

What is the motto of Salina Kansas? ›

William A. Phillips founded Salina on the Smoky Hill River in 1857. The town motto was to be "Religion First, Education Second and Business Third."

Why is it called Salina? ›

How did Salina get its name? The name Saline was given to the river, and later to the county on account of the salt marshes in this area and the high salt content of the river, which probably comes from the large salt mines farther south near Hutchinson. The name of the town, Salina, is probably a variation of Saline.

What is Salina famous for? ›

Salina is best known for three products: fish, capers and a sweet dessert wine called Malvasia delle Lipari. Capers are an essential ingredient in much of the local cooking, adding a certain piquancy to fish dishes, and are often combined in recipes with anchovies and olives.

What is the salary in Salina? ›

What is the average salary in Salina? As of Sep 24 the average annual salary in Salina is $45,617.

What is the cost of living in Salina Kansas? ›

Salina's housing expenses are 35% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 6% higher than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 10% lower than the national average. Salina has grocery prices that are 4% lower than the national average.

What is the poverty rate in Salina Kansas? ›

The average household income in Salina is $72,918 with a poverty rate of 12.67%. The median age in Salina is 39 years: 37.3 years for males, and 41.9 years for females.

Who owns the Salina Country Club? ›

The Salina Country Club has been one of Salina, Kansas's most respected institutions for over 100 years. The property sits on top of Tom White Hill, serving as the community's landmark spot for family-friendly activities.

Where is the Salina journal located? ›

Salina Journal, 1700 E Iron Ave, Salina, KS 67401, US - MapQuest.

Who owns Salina Liberty? ›

Salina Liberty
MascotSideline Sam
Owner(s)Precision Sports, LLC.
General managerFrancis Flax
20 more rows

How did Salina get its name? ›

How did Salina get its name? The name Saline was given to the river, and later to the county on account of the salt marshes in this area and the high salt content of the river, which probably comes from the large salt mines farther south near Hutchinson. The name of the town, Salina, is probably a variation of Saline.

What famous person is from Sumner county Kansas? ›

Pages in category "People from Sumner County, Kansas"
  • Jesse Beams.
  • Joshua H. Berkey.
  • Red Berry (wrestler)
  • Lloyd Bishop.

Who founded the Land Institute in Salina Kansas? ›

Wes Jackson tells journalist Robert Jensen stories ranging from his time growing up on a small farm in Kansas, to founding and growing The Land Institute, a center for perennial grain agriculture and new ways of looking at the world through an ecological lens.

How many students go to K State Salina? ›

SALINA — Enrollment growth at Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus has continued for a fifth-straight year. For the fall 2022 semester, K-State Salina has 795 students, a 7.3% increase from last year.

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