Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (2025)

Table of Contents

  • +1. Overview
    • 1.1. Currency
    • 1.2. Date and Timeline
    • 1.3. Location
  • +2. Rewards
    • 2.1. Darker Nights with Inky Black Potion
    • 2.2. Sayge's Buffs
    • 2.3. WHEE! Buff: +10% Reputation and Experienced Gained
    • 2.4. Vanity Items
    • 2.5. Gear
    • 2.6. Darkmoon Firework
    • 2.8. Toys
  • +3. Flasks
    • 3.1. Heirlooms
    • 3.2. Item Sets Replicas for Transmogrification
    • 3.3. Darkmoon Decks
    • 3.4. Achievements
  • +4. Getting to the Darkmoon Faire
    • 4.1. Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mages
    • 4.2. First Timers
  • 5. Darkmoon Arcade
  • +6. Cauldron of Rock and Blight Boar Concerts
    • 6.1. Achievements
  • 7. Obtaining Sayge's Buffs
  • 8. Testing Your Strength
  • +9. Profession Skill-ups
    • 9.1. Achievement
  • +10. Mini Games
    • 10.1. Darkmoon Game Tokens
    • 10.2. Whack-a-Gnoll!
    • 10.3. The Darkmoon Cannon!
    • 10.4. Shooting Gallery!
    • 10.5. Tonk Challenge!
    • 10.6. Ring Toss!
    • 10.7. Firebird's Challenge
    • 10.8. Races
      • 10.8.1. Times and Achievements
    • 10.9. Achievements
  • +11. PvA Deathmatch
    • 11.1. Achievements
  • 12. Fishing Darkmoon Daggermaw
  • +13. Artifacts
    • 13.1. Achievements
  • 14. Obtaining Darkmoon Trinkets
  • 15. Reputation Grind
  • 16. Darkmoon Faire Concert — Tauren Chieftains
  • +17. Remaining Achievements
    • 17.1. Fairegoer's Feast
    • 17.2. I Was Promised a Pony
    • 17.3. Taking the Show on the Road
    • 17.4. That Rabbit's Dynamite
  • 18. Conclusion
  • 19. Changelog

As its name indicates, the event is a faire during which you will be givenmini-games to play and various other tasks to complete.

In Shadowlands, Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (1) Recipe: Extra Lemony Herb Filet,Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (2) Recipe: Extra Sugary Fish Feast and Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (3) Recipe: Extra Fancy Darkmoon Feastcan be purchased for Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (4) Darkmoon Daggermaws. The recently-added food isusable above level 50. New Darkmoon trinkets are also available, and theProfessions skill-upquests are back, helping you save gold if you are missing the lastfew skill points.

In Dragonflight, Profession Quests have been changed togrant 2 Skill Points and 3 Knowledge.New Darkmoon Trinkets have been added.

In Battle for Azeroth, updated Darkmoon Cards have appeared and a new toy,Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (5) Hot Buttered Popcorn, was added and can be purchased from Stamp Thunderhorn.

In Patch 8.3, a new Darkmoon Arcade was added, allowing adventurersto play their favorite Azerothian arcade games. Seek out mechagnome Lynnish Hardmodethe Arcade Proprietor behind the Darkmoon Rollercoaster to take on your favoriteAzerothian arcade games.

In Patch 8.1.5, 3 new pets were added (Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (6) Horse Balloon, Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (7) Murloc Balloon, andDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (8) Wolf Balloon and can be purchased for 90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (9) Darkmoon Prize Tickets. Fishing in thearea also has a chance to yield two new cosmetic items: Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (10) Severed Crimsonscale Head andDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (11) Severed Azurefin Head.

In Patch 8.1, the Profession skill-up quests were fixed to once again give+5 skills per profession, up from +1 since the beginning of BfA.



The main matter of the Darkmoon Faire is the mini-games that many willprobably do every day to gather enough ticketsto purchase the rewards they want. There are so many different rewards thateveryone should find a reason toparticipate in the faire.

In addition to the mini-games, the faire offers other less efficient means tocollect tickets and increase yourreputation with the Darkmoon Faire, such as:

  • Profession skill-up quests;
  • Artifact gathering;
  • PvA Deathmatch;
  • etc.

We will detail them all in this guide.



The currency of the Darkmoon Faire is the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (12) Darkmoon Prize Ticket. Youwill earn these tickets primarily throughmini-games, though the faire provides other ways to get them.

You can also buy Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (13) Darkmoon Ticket Fanny Pack from the Black MarketAuction House. This item has been reported tocontain between 400 and 500Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (14) Darkmoon Prize Tickets.


Date and Timeline

The Darkmoon Faire is a monthly event. It always lasts precisely 1 week andstarts one minute after midnight on thefirst Sunday of every month.

Every month, you will be able to earn at most 145Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (15) Darkmoon Prize Tickets. This is enough to buy 1 interestingreward. There are so many interesting rewards that you will need to participatein the faire for many months beforegetting them all.

For players interested in reaching exaltedstanding with the Darkmoon Faire, this shouldtake about 5 months from neutral.



The Darkmoon Faire is located on Darkmoon Island, where you can teleport whenthe faire is running. Below, you willfind a detailed map of the surrounding of the faire and indications of where therelevant NPCs are located.



The Darkmoon Faire offers a variety of rewards, from temporary buffs toexotic pets and mounts. Most of these rewardsare purchased with Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (17) Darkmoon Prize Tickets.


Darker Nights with Inky Black Potion

As of Patch 7.2., Rona Greenteeth sells Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (18) Inky Black Potion fora bit of Gold. Using this potion makesyour nights darker in-game.


Sayge's Buffs

Sayge is a Darkmoon Faire NPC who provides you with varioustemporary buffs (such as +10% Intellect). Thesebuffs can be helpful when leveling up a character, especially since they do notrequire anything else than going tothe Darkmoon Island and talking to Sayge. Unfortunately, these buffs disappearwhen you enter a dungeon or a raidinstance.

Since obtaining these buffs requires you to interact with Sayge in aparticular way, a specific section of the guideis dedicated to them.


WHEE! Buff: +10% Reputation and Experienced Gained

The Darkmoon Carousel (a few dozen yards on the right as you enter the faire)or the Darkmoon Rollercoaster willgrant you Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (19) WHEE! after riding them for about 30 seconds. This buffincreases your experience and reputationgains by 10% for 1 hour (it does not persist through death). It stacks withother experience and reputation buffs.

To ride the carousel and roller coaster, you need aDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (20) Darkmoon Ride Ticket. You can find these tickets inside aDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (21) Ride Ticket Book, which you can buy from the NPC at the attraction'sentrance.

A similar buff is given by consuming a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (22) Darkmoon Top Hat, which you canbuy for 10Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (23) from Gelvas Grimegate.


Vanity Items

Gelvas Grimegate sells several Darkmoon Faire vanity items.

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (24) Darkmoon "Tiger"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (25)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (26) Darkmoon "Dragon"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (27)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (28) Darkmoon "Gryphon"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (29)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (30) Darkmoon "Murloc"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (31)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (32) Darkmoon "Rocket"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (33)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (34) Darkmoon "Wyvern"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (35)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (36) Darkmoon "Cougar"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (37)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (38) Darkmoon "Nightsaber"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (39)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (40) Darkmoon "Snow Leopard"Temporary and Stationary Ride1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (41)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (42) Darkmoon "Sword"Role Play Gear20 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (43)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (44) Darkmoon FlowerRole Play Gear1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (45)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (46) Darkmoon HammerRole Play Gear160 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (47)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (48) Darkmoon Storage Box16-slot Bag1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (49)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (50) Cloak of the Darkmoon FaireRole Play Gear90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (51)

Since Patch 6.0.3, Chester has also been selling several DarkmoonFaire vanity items.

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (52) Noble's Fancy BootsRole Play Gear55 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (53)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (54) Noblewoman's SkirtRole Play Gear75 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (55)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (56) Nobleman's PantaloonsRole Play Gear75 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (57)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (58) Noblewoman's FineryRole Play Gear75 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (59)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (60) Nobleman's CoatRole Play Gear75 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (61)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (62) Last Deck of Nemelex XobehGives Random Buffs130 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (63)

Since Patch 7.2.5, Henry Gust has been selling vanity dance sticksand masks for a bit of Gold:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (64) Green Dance Stick;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (65) Purple Dance Stick;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (66) Devlynn Styx Mask;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (67) Blighthead Electric Beehive Mask;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (68) Blighthead Bitter Wounds Mask;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (69) Blighthead Grim Smile Mask;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (70) Blighthead Slack-Jaw Mask;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (71) Blighthead Mohawk Mask;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (72) Blighthead Romero Mask.

Since Patch 8.1.5, you can fish Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (73) Severed Crimsonscale Head andDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (74) Severed Azurefin Head from the watersaround Darkmoon Island.

Finally, several vanity items are achievement rewards:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (75) Darkmoon Gazer from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (76) Big Wanderluster: Gold;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (77) Checkered Flag from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (78) Big Race Roadhog;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (79) Darkmoon Cannon from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (80) Big Powermonger: Gold.



Since Patch 7.2.5, killing the Death Metal Knight during aBlight Boar concert gives you achanceto loot gear that scales with your level:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (81) Chain-Linked Cage Helm;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (82) Leather-Lined Cage Helm;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (83) Lightly-Padded Cage Helm;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (84) Steel-Reinforced Cage Helm;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (85) Necromedes, the Death Resonator.


Darkmoon Firework

In addition to selling several fireworks items that you can buy from manyother vendors, Boomie Sparks alsosells Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (86) Darkmoon Firework, which is specific to the Darkmoon Faire and isneeded for one of the Darkmoon Faire achievements.


Pets & Mounts

Pets and mounts are sold by Lhara and Gelvas Grimegate forDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (87) Darkmoon Prize Tickets.

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (88) Darkmoon BalloonPetLhara or Gelvas Grimegate90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (89)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (90) Darkmoon CubPetLhara90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (91)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (92) Darkmoon HatchlingPetLhara90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (93)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (94) Darkmoon MonkeyPetLhara90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (95)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (96) Darkmoon TonkPetLhara90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (97)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (98) Darkmoon TurtlePetLhara90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (99)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (100) Darkmoon ZeppelinPetLhara90 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (101)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (102) Darkmoon Dancing BearMountLhara180 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (103)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (104) Swift Forest StriderMountLhara180 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (105)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (106) Darkmoon DirigibleMountLhara1000 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (107)

In addition, you can get:

  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (108) Sea Pony pet from fishing in the sea around Darkmoon Island;
  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (109) Darkmoon Rabbit pet from killing the Darkmoon Rabbit;
  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (110) Moon Moon pet from killing Moonfang;
  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (111) Hogs' Studded Collar pet from completing Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (112) That's Whack!;
  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (113) Blorp's Bubble pet by turning in 50x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (114) Darkmoon Daggermaws toGalissa Sundew;
  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (115) Translucent Shell pet by turning in 100xDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (116) Darkmoon Daggermaws to Galissa Sundew;
  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (117) Darkwater Skate mount by turning in 500xDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (118) Darkmoon Daggermaws to Galissa Sundew;
  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (119) Shimmering Moonstone mount from killing Moonfang;
  • a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (120) Race MiniZep Controller by completing Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (121) Big Rocketeer: Gold.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (122) Horse Balloon, Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (123) Murloc Balloon, and Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (124) Wolf Balloon fromCarl Goodup for 90Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (125) Darkmoon Prize Tickets.



Several toys are achievement rewards:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (126) Darkmoon Ring-Flinger from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (127) Triumphant Turtle Tossing;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (128) Attraction Sign from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (129) Wanderluster: Gold;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (130) Everlasting Darkmoon Firework from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (131) Rocketeer: Gold;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (132) Gaze of the Darkmoon from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (133) Powermonger: Gold;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (134) Fire-Eater's Vial from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (135) Darkmoon Racer Roadhog;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (136) Darkmoon Tonk Controller from Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (137) Ace Tonk Commander.

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (138) Darkmoon Whistle and Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (139) Haunting Memento are sold for 90Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (140) byGelvas Grimegate and Chester, respectively.Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (141) Seafarer's Slidewhistle is sold byGalissa Sundew for 25x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (142) Darkmoon Daggermaws.

You can obtain Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (143) Ring of Broken Promises. As reported on Wowhead, you canobtain this item by killing Erinys(located in the underwater cave beneath the shipwreck at 74,39). Killing the NPCgives you an item that starts aquest, and completing that quest rewards you with the Ring of Broken Promises.Note that the quest requires level 40.

You can obtain Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (144) Blight Boar Microphone during a Blight Boar concert, after killing and looting the Death Metal Knight.

Finally, you can obtain Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (145) Hot Buttered Popcorn fromStamp Thunderhorn for 50Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (146) Darkmoon Prize Tickets.



Faldar Willowshade sells several flasks and potions, each for 1Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (147) Darkmoon Prize Ticket.

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (148) Darkmoon Draught of AlacrityIncreases Haste by 2% for 20 minutes. Increases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (149) Darkmoon Draught of DefenseIncreases Armor by 2% for 20 minutes. Increases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (150) Darkmoon Draught of DeflectionIncreases Parry by 2% for 20 minutes. Increases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (151) Darkmoon Draught of DeftnessIncreases Dodge by 2% for 20 minutes. Increases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (152) Darkmoon Draught of DivergenceIncreases Multistrike by 2% for 20 minutes. Increases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (153) Darkmoon Draught of FlexibilityIncreases Versatility by 2% for 20 minutes. Increases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (154) Darkmoon Draught of PrecisionIncreases Critical Strike by 2% for 20 minutes. Increases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (155) Darkmoon Draught of SupremacyIncreases primary stats by 1% for 20 minutes. Increases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (156) Darkmoon Tincture of AlacrityIncreases Haste by 2% for 20 minutes. Decreases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (157) Darkmoon Tincture of DefenseIncreases Armor by 2% for 20 minutes. Decreases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (158) Darkmoon Tincture of DeflectionIncreases Parry by 2% for 20 minutes. Decreases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (159) Darkmoon Tincture of DeftnessIncreases Dodge by 2% for 20 minutes. Decreases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (160) Darkmoon Tincture of DivergenceIncreases Multistrike by 2% for 20 minutes. Decreases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (161) Darkmoon Tincture of FlexibilityIncreases Versatility by 2% for 20 minutes. Decreases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (162) Darkmoon Tincture of PrecisionIncreases Critical Strike by 2% for 20 minutes. Decreases size.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (163) Darkmoon Tincture of SupremacyIncreases primary stats by 1% for 20 minutes. Decreases size.

The duration of these flasks can be increased to 35 minutes by stacking themonce.



Daenrand Dawncrest sells Heirloom items forDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (164) Darkmoon Prize Ticketsduring the event. The Heirlooms scale from Level 1 through 29.

ItemTypeMain StatisticsCost
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (165) Tattered Dreadmist MantleCloth ShouldersIntellect110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (166)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (167) Tattered Dreadmist RobeCloth ChestIntellect110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (168)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (169) Preened Ironfeather ShouldersLeather ShouldersIntellect110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (170)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (171) Preened Ironfeather BreastplateLeather ChestIntellect110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (172)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (173) Stained Shadowcraft SpauldersLeather ShouldersAgility110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (174)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (175) Stained Shadowcraft TunicLeather ChestAgility110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (176)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (177) Mystical Pauldrons of ElementsMail ShouldersIntellect110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (178)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (179) Mystical Vest of ElementsMail ChestIntellect110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (180)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (181) Champion Herod's ShoulderMail ShouldersAgility110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (182)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (183) Champion's Deathdealer BreastplateMail ChestAgility110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (184)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (185) Polished Spaulders of ValorPlate ShouldersStrength110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (186)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (187) Polished Breastplate of ValorPlate ChestStrength110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (188)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (189) Burnished Pauldrons of MightPlate ShouldersStrength/Parry110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (190)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (191) Burnished Breastplate of MightPlate ChestStrength/Dodge110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (192)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (193) Devout Aurastone HammerTwo-Hand MaceIntellect110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (194)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (195) Dignified Headmaster's ChargeStaffIntellect160 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (196)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (197) Balanced Heartseeker1.7 One-Hand DaggerAgility110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (198)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (199) Venerable Mass of McGowanOne-Hand MaceAgility110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (200)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (201) Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred ChargeMain Hand SwordAgility110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (202)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (203) Charmed Ancient Bone BowBowAgility160 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (204)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (205) Repurposed Lava DredgerTwo-Hand MaceAgility160 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (206)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (207) Burnished Warden StaffStaffAgility160 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (208)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (209) Bloodied Arcanite ReaperTwo-Hand AxeStrength160 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (210)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (211) Bloodsoaked Skullforge ReaverMain Hand SwordStrength/Parry110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (212)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (213) Discerning Eye of the BeastTrinketIntellect130 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (214)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (215) Swift Hand of JusticeTrinketHaste130 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (216)

Daenrand Dawncrest also sells the level 35 upgrades for all of theseitems. Upgrading an Heirloom item which scales from Level 1-29will cost you between 425 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (217) and 850Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (218) plus between 44 and 64Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (219) Darkmoon Prize Tickets.

Finally, Daenrand Dawncrest sells 3 unique Level 35 Heirlooms.

ItemTypeMain StatisticsCost
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (220) Flamescarred Draconian DeflectorShieldStrength/Parry110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (221)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (222) Weathered Observer's ShieldShieldIntellect/Spirit110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (223)
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (224) Musty Tome of the LostOff-HandIntellect110 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (225)


Item Sets Replicas for Transmogrification

Barum and Baruma sell replicas for the Dungeon Sets 1 and 2that were removed from the game whenCataclysm was released. Wrists, Hands, Waist, and Feet items cost 55Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (226) Darkmoon Prize Tickets while Head,Shoulders, Chest, and Legs items cost 75 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (227) Darkmoon Prize Tickets. Thismakes 18 sets that you can use fortransmogrification, 6 Cloth sets, 4 Leather sets, 4 Mail sets, and 4 Plate sets.

Each set used to correspond to a specific class, and each class had oneDungeon Set 1 and one Dungeon Set 2(remember that, at the time, Death Knights had not yet been introduced to thegame). The class restrictions do notexist for the replica armor sets, so you can use all the sets that match thearmor type of your class (Cloth forMages, Leather for Rogues, etc.).



Darkmoon Decks

The Darkmoon Deck trinkets are not an integral part of the event and are not,technically speaking, rewards for doingthe Darkmoon Faire. You can obtain these items after spending a lot of time orgold crafting or trading cards untilyou get an entire deck. Turning in this deck used to be the only step of theprocess that required the Darkmoon Faire,but this is no longer the case.

Dragonflight adds a new set of 4 Item Level 372 Darkmoon trinketsthat can be upgraded to Item Level 382.

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (246) Darkmoon Deck: Dance (Item Level 372)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (247) Darkmoon Deck: Inferno (Item Level 372)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (248) Darkmoon Deck: Rime (Item Level 372)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (249) Darkmoon Deck: Watcher (Item Level 372)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (250) Darkmoon Deck Box: Dance (Item Level 382)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (251) Darkmoon Deck Box: Inferno (Item Level 382)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (252) Darkmoon Deck Box: Rime (Item Level 382)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (253) Darkmoon Deck Box: Watcher (Item Level 382)



The following achievements are related to the Darkmoon Faire.

  • Entering the Faire: Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (254) Come One, Come All!
  • Mini-games
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (255) Step Right Up
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (256) Quick Shot
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (257) Ace Tonk Commander
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (258) Triumphant Turtle Tossing
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (259) That's Whack!
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (260) Blastenheimer Bullseye
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (261) Flying High
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (262) Ringmaster
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (263) Brood of Alysrazor
  • Profession skill-up quests: Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (264) Faire Favors
  • PvA Deathmatch
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (265) Darkmoon Duelist
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (266) Darkmoon Dominator
  • Artifacts
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (267) Darkmoon Dungeoneer
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (268) Darkmoon Defender
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (269) Darkmoon Despoiler
  • Blight Boar Concert
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (270) Hey, You're a Rockstar!
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (271) Mosh Pit
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (272) Perfect Performance
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (273) Taking this Show on the Road
  • Miscellaneous
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (274) Fairegoer's Feast
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (275) I Was Promised a Pony
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (276) Taking the Show on the Road (Alliance / Horde)
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (277) That Rabbit's Dynamite!

There are also 35 achievements related to Darkmoon Racing, which we detail ina specific section.

Note that there is no meta-achievement or title related to the DarkmoonFaire.


Getting to the Darkmoon Faire

The Darkmoon Faire takes place on Darkmoon Island. To get there, there areonly two portals that you can take. One islocated just south of Goldshire in Elwynn Forest, and the other is southwest ofThunder Bluff in Mulgore.

Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mages (Alliance/Horde) are present in every major city, and for 30Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (278), they willteleport you to the Darkmoon Island portal of your faction.


Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mages

When the Darkmoon Faire is running, you will findDarkmoon Faire Mystic Mages (Alliance/Horde) at the following locations.

  • Alliance locations
    • Darnassus: next to the portal to Rut'theran Village
    • Exodar: outside the Bank
    • Ironforge: outside the Auction House
    • Stormwind City: outside the Auction House in the Trade District
  • Horde locations
    • Orgrimmar: next to the Flight Master
    • Silvermoon City: at the entrance of the city
    • Thunder Bluff: at the base of the central totem tower
    • Undercity: in the Trade Quarter
  • Neutral locations
    • Dalaran: in the middle of Runeweaver Square
    • Shattrath: outside the Auction House


First Timers

If you have never been to Darkmoon Island before, you should talk to thenearest Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mage (Alliance/Horde) tobe given the The Darkmoon Faire (Alliance/Horde) quest. Completing this quest will giveyou a Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (279) Darkmoon Adventurer's Guide(needed for collecting artifacts) and your first 5Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (280) Darkmoon Prize Tickets.

As soon as you teleport to Darkmoon Island for the first time, you will berewarded with the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (281) Come One, Come All!achievement.


Darkmoon Arcade

Darkmoon Arcade is an attraction added to Darkmoon Faire in Patch 8.3.You can seek out Lynnish Hardmode behind the Darkmoon Rollercoaster to getstarted playing the following Azerothian arcade games.

  • Hexsweeper: A most dangerous game wherein one must traverse an arcaneminefield and identify all the booby-trapped areas. Instant death rewards theslightest misstep.
  • Rune Matching: Match 3 or more runes for points. If you get 100,000points, you will unlock an additional difficulty level.
  • Bull-E: Uncross the wires to fix poor Bull-E's circuits. There isonly one difficulty level: Pretty easy to insane-o hard. Give up, and you haveto start from the beginning.
  • Barrels o' Fun: Keep your eye on the barrel. One barrel will flash atthe start of each round. Remember which one it is, and pick it when they are alldone moving around.
  • Remember: Flip the shells, remember where they are, and match thepairs.
  • Totemic Matrix: To develop harmony with the elements, one must studyand understand the interactions between them. The totemic matrix is an ancienttraining method, a puzzle that will challenge one's mind and spirit. Theexercise aims to transform all the totems into water totems. Touch a totem toinvoke it. Know that everything is connected, a lesson invaluable in thispuzzle... as in life.

It will cost 1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (282) Darkmoon Game Token to unlock the console for the day,but you will be able to play as long as you like, and there are no rewards, justthe warm fuzzy feeling of achieving victory in the pursuit of mind over machine.There are no rewards associated with playing the Darkmoon Arcade.


Cauldron of Rock and Blight Boar Concerts

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (284)

Every hour, on the half-hour, the Blight Boar will appear in the cave calledCauldron Rock for a concert.Immediately, the Death Metal Knight will appear to disrupt the concert.Killing him gives you a chance toloot several things:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (285) Chain-Linked Cage Helm;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (286) Leather-Lined Cage Helm;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (287) Lightly-Padded Cage Helm;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (288) Steel-Reinforced Cage Helm;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (289) Blight Boar Microphone;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (290) Necromedes, the Death Resonator;
  • as well as any of the items sold by Henry Gust, outside the cave.

During the fight, you will get a score, materialized by a buff:Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (291) Casual Fan. As you progress during theencounter, your score will increase (it is decreased when you get hit by thewalls of banshees that move during theencounter and is supplemented by you damaging the Ghouls and killing the DeathMetal Knight). The buff will becomeDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (292) Serious Fan (after a score of 75), then Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (293) Hardcore Fan (after ascore of 150), and finallyDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (294) Number One Fan (after a score that we are uncertain of).



  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (295) Hey, You're a Rockstar! is granted after you defeat theDeath Metal Knight;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (296) Mosh Pit is obtained by preventing every Ghoul thatspawns during the fight against theDeath Metal Knight from reaching Devlynn Styx;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (297) Perfect Performance is granted after a perfect performance duringthe fight against theDeath Metal Knight — we currently do not what makes up a perfectperformance;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (298) Taking this Show on the Road requires you to obtain all 4 role buffs:Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (299) Bassist, Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (300) Drummer,Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (301) Guitarist, and Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (302) Vocals (you randomly get one of these buffsafter you successfully kill theDeath Metal Knight).


Obtaining Sayge's Buffs

To get a buff from Sayge, you need to talk to him at the DarkmoonFaire.

At first, he offers you 4 different conversation choices that we numberedfrom 1 to 4 in descending order. Whateverconversation choice you make, you will have to make a second choice between 3possibilities that we numbered from 1to 3 in descending order. After choosing this second possibility, you will begranted a buff.

Below, we have listed the various buffs he gives and the conversation choicesyou must make to obtain them. Notethat the same conversation choices will always lead to the same buff.

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (303) Sayge's Dark Fortune of Agility: 3–3
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (304) Sayge's Dark Fortune of Armor: 1–3 or 4–3
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (305) Sayge's Dark Fortune of Damage: 1–1
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (306) Sayge's Dark Fortune of Intelligence: 2–2 or 4–1
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (307) Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance: 1–2 or 2–3
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (308) Sayge's Dark Fortune of Spirit: 2–1 or 4–2
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (309) Sayge's Dark Fortune of Stamina: 3–1
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (310) Sayge's Dark Fortune of Strength: 3–2

After obtaining a buff, you cannot talk to him again before a few hours havepassed.


Testing Your Strength

Every month you get a chance to test your strength by completing theTest Your Strength quest givento you by Kerri Hicks in Darkmoon Island.

Completing this quest requires you to kill 250 creatures that offerexperience or honor (while having theDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (311) Darkmoon Adventurer's Guide). It rewards 10 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (312) Darkmoon Prize Ticketsand 250 reputation with the DarkmoonFaire.


Profession Skill-ups

Every month, you can do the 6 profession skill-up quests (for your 2 primaryprofessions and 4 secondaryprofessions, even if they are maxed out). Each of these quests rewards 2skill points in the correspondingprofession, 3 Knowledge (new in Dragonflight), 1Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (313) Darkmoon Game Token (required to play themini-games), 3 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (314) Darkmoon Prize Tickets (4 for the primary professionquests), 15 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (315) Artisan's Mettle (newin Dragonflight), and 250 reputation with the Darkmoon Faire.

If you have done a profession quest before (in a previous month), you willnot get it right as the faire begins.Instead, you will have to wait until the 6 AM dungeon reset on Sunday beforeseeing them.

You need a skill of 75 in your profession before obtaining the correspondingquest. If you drop a profession andskill up another profession to 75 before the faire ends, you can do the relatedmonthly quest. This can be a meansto collect Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (316) Darkmoon Prize Tickets faster.

Below is the list of profession skill-up quests. Note that none of them arecomplicated, so we will not go beyondlisting them.

  • Gathering Professions
    • Herbalism: Herbs for Healing
    • Mining: Rearm, Reuse, Recycle
    • Skinning: Tan My Hide
  • Crafting Professions
    • Alchemy: A Fizzy Fusion
    • Blacksmithing: Baby Needs Two Pair of Shoes
    • Enchanting: Putting Trash to Good Use
    • Engineering: Talkin' Tonks
    • Inscription: Writing the Future
    • Jewelcrafting: Keeping the Faire Sparkling
    • Leatherworking: Eyes on the Prizes
    • Tailoring: Banners, Banners Everywhere!
  • Secondary Professions
    • Archeology: Fun for the Little Ones
    • Cooking: Putting the Crunch in the Frog
    • First Aid: Putting the Carnies Back Together Again
    • Fishing: Spoilin' for Salty Sea Dogs

The quests for Alchemy, Archeology, Cooking, Inscription, Leatherworking, andTailoring will require you to wanderoutside Darkmoon Island.



Completing the profession skill-up quests related to your 6 professions (2main professions and 4 secondaryprofessions) will reward you with the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (317) Faire Favors achievement.


Mini Games

Most of the Darkmoon Faire rewards are bought withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (318) Darkmoon Prize Tickets. The most efficient way to collectthese tickets is to do the daily quests associated with each of the 8 (the racescount as 2) mini-games currentlyavailable at the Darkmoon Faire (more games might be added later on, as severalbuildings are not finished yet).

Each daily quest rewards up to 1 ticket (meaning that you can earn up to 8tickets a day with the daily quests) and250 reputation with the Darkmoon Faire (meaning that you can earn 2,000reputation a day with the daily quests).

Note that you can do the mini-games over and over again, as long as you haveDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (319) Darkmoon Game Tokens to pay theentry fee.


Darkmoon Game Tokens

Each mini-game requires you to pay an entry fee of 1Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (320) Darkmoon Game Token. You can buy these fromZina Sharpworth (right at the entrance), Sazz Coincatcher(further down the right), andTrixi Sharpworth (next to the Deathmatch Arena). The prices are thefollowing:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (321) Pouch o' Tokens: 5 tokens for 60 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (322);
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (323) Sack o' Tokens: 20 tokens for 1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (324) and 92Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (325) (the betteralternative).

You can also obtain these tokens by doing the profession skill-up quests (inminimal quantities).



TheWhack-a-Gnoll game is associated with theIt's Hammer Time daily quest. In the ring, there are 9 barrels, out ofwhich three types of creatures randomlyappear. Before they disappear, you must smack them with a hammer (by pressing'1'). The game will present you with 3possible types of creatures, all of which are shown in the screenshot on theright:

  • smacking a Doll stuns you for a few seconds and awards 0 points;
  • smacking a Gnoll awards 1 point;
  • smacking a Hogger Gnoll awards 3 points.

30 points are needed to complete the daily quest. If you cannot obtain themin the time allotted by the mini-game,you can play again. Your points are carried over from one game to the other.


The Darkmoon Cannon!

The Darkmoon Cannon game is associatedwith the The Humanoid Cannonball. The idea is to climb in a cannon thatwill fire you off the ground. Then,you initiate the fall by pressing '1'. The objective is to land in a circle offthe Darkmoon Faire docks (at thesouthern extremity of the island):

  • landing outside the circle stuns you for a few seconds and awards 0 points;
  • landing inside the circle awards 1 point;
  • landing close to the center awards 3 points;
  • landing precisely in the center awards 5 points (and theDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (328) Blastenheimer Bullseye achievement).

The daily quest requires you to obtain 5 points, and you need precise timingto make it inside the circle. Landingexactly in the middle of the circle is extremely difficult, so many players willrequire 3 or more attempts tocomplete the daily quest (after an attempt, you can talk toTeleportologist Fozlebub next to the circle toget back to the cannon).

This game is very sensitive to lag, and players with varying latency willfind it hard to initiate the fall at theright time.


Shooting Gallery!

The Shooting Gallery game is associatedwith the He Shoots, He Scores! daily quest. In the stand, there are 3targets. One gets marked with a greenarrow every few seconds, and you need to make your character face it beforepressing '1' to fire at it.

The daily quest requires you to hit 25 targets. When a target is marked withan arrow, you only have time to hit ittwice before it gets unmarked (you can also start casting before the arrowappears, but then you need to be quick tomake your character face the right target when the arrow appears). Then, youmust wait a few seconds before anothertarget is marked. When no target is marked, you cannot hit anything. Taking allthis into account, it is hard tofinish the daily quest in only one try.


Tonk Challenge!

The Tonk Challenge game is associated withthe Tonk Commander daily quest. You need to hit targets in the ring bymaking your tank face them beforepressing '1'. The objective of the daily quest is to hit 30 such targets, andcompleting it will often require youto play the game several times (although it is possible to finish it on thefirst try).

You need to know that enemy tanks will be in the ring. You hit them the sameway you hit the targets, facing themand pressing '1'. When facing an enemy tank and a target, you will randomly hitone of them upon pressing '1'. Ifthe enemy tank is hit, it will most likely start attacking you, in which caseyou will have to destroy it before itdestroys you. You can start over if your tank gets destroyed; you will not resetyour kill count.

Note that when targeted by an enemy tank (a green arrow will appear on top ofyour tank), you can hit '2' to useyour second ability. This will make your tank sprint for a few seconds, makingthe enemy tank lose sight of you.


Ring Toss!

The RingToss game is associated with theTarget: Turtle daily quest. The objective of the daily quest is to land 3rings on the Darkmoon Turtle thatwalks inside the arena (you need to remain in the stand to be able to toss therings). To toss a ring, press '1',target the turtle with the mouse, and left-click.

Even if you are perfectly aimed at the turtle, there is no guarantee that thering will land on the turtle, as thelanding location of the rings is somewhat random. One way to complete the dailyquest is to spam rings when theturtle stops moving, hoping to have 3 of them land properly.


Firebird's Challenge

The Firebird's Challenge is associatedwith the Firebird's Challenge daily quest. Starting the game gives youthe Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (333) Wings of Flamebuff, which allows you to fly for 10 seconds. If you pass through a fiery ringbefore the 10 seconds are up, thebuff is refreshed for another 10 seconds. The objective of the daily quest is topass through 15 fiery rings. It isfine if you do not reach the objective in a single game. You can pay anotherDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (334) Darkmoon Game Token to playagain and keep going.



You can find the races on both sides of the pier at the faire: the Real Raceon the right and the Real Big Race onthe left.

  • On the right side, Malle Earnhard first gives youWelcome to the Darkmoon Races, to introduce youto the Real Race. Then, you can complete the The Real Race, offered byMalle, to obtain your daily prize.You can do subsequent runs through Let's Keep Racing!, also offered byMalle.
  • On the left side, Patti Earnhard offers you theThe Real Big Race daily quest. Subsequent runs canbe done through More Big Racing!, which is also offered by Patti.

Both races require you to reach posts around the island in a given orderbefore returning to the pier. Beforestarting a race, you need to select a mount. Currently, there are two mountsavailable, each with its own abilities.

  • The Racing Strider has the following abilities:
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (335) Jump To Banner, which allows you to jump to a banner, saving you time(see below for a screenshot ofa banner);
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (336) Lasso Powerup, which allows you to take a nearby power-up withouthaving to touch it (see below formore information about power-ups);
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (337) Jump To Racer, which allows you to jump to another racer and can beabused to gain a lot of time;
  • The Rocketeer has the following abilities:
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (338) Boosters, which gives you a speed boost, causes you to leapforward, and makes you immune to stuns;
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (339) Giant Leap, which makes you leap high into the air;
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (340) Rocket Barrage, which disorients nearby MiniZeps that try to stunyou;
    • Cancel Parachute, which cancels the parachute of Giant Leap.

Each circuit features power-ups that you can take to help you complete therace faster, banners that grant you aspeed boost, trip wires that daze you, and MiniZeps that try to stun you. Below,you will find screenshots for allof these features.

Buffs you with Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (341) So Fast!.Makes you leap forward.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (342)Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (343)
Makes you leap high into the air.Makes you leap very high into the air.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (344)Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (345)
Gives you a Racing Regs, which you need to cast Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (346) Jump To Racer orDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (347) Rocket Barrage.Banner; buffs you with Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (348) So Fast!.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (349)Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (350)
Electrified Tripwires; daze you.MiniZeps; stun you.
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (351)Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (352)


Times and Achievements

Your time in the races is measured in tolls, which you can hear every 6seconds approximately while racing. Thereare 33 achievements related to your time in each race with each mount.

  • Real Race
    • Racing Strider
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (353) Darkmoon Racer Roadhog: finish within 11 tolls(video)— rewards you withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (354) Fire-Eater's Vial
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (355) Darkmoon Racer Leadfoot: finish within 15 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (356) Darkmoon Racer Jockey: finish within 20 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (357) Darkmoon Racer Novice: finish within 25 tolls
    • Rocketeer
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (358) Rocketeer: Gold: finish within 11 tolls(video)— rewards you withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (359) Everlasting Darkmoon Firework
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (360) Rocketeer: Silver: finish within 15 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (361) Rocketeer: Bronze: finish within 20 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (362) Blast Off!: finish within 25 tolls
    • Wanderluster
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (363) Wanderluster: Gold: finish within 11 tolls — rewards you withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (364) Attraction Sign
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (365) Wanderluster: Silver: finish within 15 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (366) Wanderluster: Bronze: finish within 20 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (367) Wayfarer: finish within 25 tolls
    • Powermonger
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (368) Powermonger: Gold: finish within 11 tolls — rewards you withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (369) Gaze of the Darkmoon
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (370) Powermonger: Silver: finish within 15 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (371) Powermonger: Bronze: finish within 20 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (372) Go-Getter: finish within 25 tolls
  • Real Big Race
    • Racing Strider
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (373) Big Race Roadhog: finish within 20 tolls(video)— rewards you withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (374) Checkered Flag
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (375) Big Race Leadfoot: finish within 25 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (376) Big Race Jockey: finish within 30 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (377) Big Race Novice: finish within 35 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (378) Big Race Enthusiast: finish within 40 tolls
    • Rocketeer
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (379) Big Rocketeer: Gold: finish within 20 tolls(video)— rewards you withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (380) Race MiniZep Controller
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (381) Big Rocketeer: Silver: finish within 25 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (382) Big Rocketeer: Bronze: finish within 30 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (383) Rocket Man: finish within 40 tolls
    • Wanderluster
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (384) Big Wanderluster: Gold: finish within 20 tolls(video)— rewards you withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (385) Darkmoon Gazer
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (386) Big Wanderluster: Silver: finish within 25 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (387) Big Wanderluster: Bronze: finish within 30 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (388) Vagabond: finish within 40 tolls
    • Powermonger
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (389) Big Powermonger: Gold: finish within 20 tolls(video)— rewards you withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (390) Darkmoon Cannon
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (391) Big Powermonger: Silver: finish within 25 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (392) Big Powermonger: Bronze: finish within 30 tolls
      • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (393) Goal-Oriented: finish within 40 tolls

Finally, there are 2 racing achievements, which are not tied to your time:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (394) Darkmoon Like the Wind requires you to stay aloft with theWanderluster's Glider for more than 10 seconds;
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (395) Darkmoon Race Enthusiast requires you to finish a race.



In addition to the racing achievements, which we presented above, the othermini-games enable you to complete 9achievements:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (396) Step Right Up will be completed as soon as you have played the 5mini-games that were available the daythe revamped Darkmoon Faire was released: Cannon Blast, Ring Toss, ShootingGallery, Tonk Battle, andWhack-A-Gnoll.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (397) Quick Shot requires you to hit the target as soon as itis highlighted when playing theShooting Gallery game. Note that a Quick Shot counts as 2 hits. You can normallyhit the target again after aQuick Shot, making it possible to complete the daily quest in one mini-game.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (398) Blastenheimer Bullseye requires you to make a perfect landing (inthe exact middle of the circle) whenplaying the Darkmoon Cannon game.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (399) Ace Tonk Commander requires you to score 45 hits in one session ofthe Tonk Challenge.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (400) Triumphant Turtle Tossing requires you to successfully toss 10 ringsonto Dubenko in one session of theRing Toss.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (401) That's Whack! requires you to score 45 points in one session ofWhack-a-Gnoll.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (402) Flying High requires you to fly through 10 fiery rings in a singleflight session of Firebird'sChallenge.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (403) Ringmaster requires you to fly through 25 fiery rings in a singleflight session of Firebird'sChallenge.
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (404) Brood of Alysrazor requires you to fly through 50 fiery rings in asingle flight session of Firebird'sChallenge. This achievement rewards you with the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (405) Blazing Wings toy.


PvA Deathmatch

The PvA Deathmatch is organized every 3 hours (00:00, 03:00, and so on) atthe Deathmatch Ring, the large buildinglocated in the southwestern part of the faire.

The Deathmatch is a free for all event that lasts until someonemanages to loot the chest in the middle ofthe ring. During the event, every other player is your enemy and can attack you,Alliance or Horde. Only players inyour party will show up as friendly. The cast for opening the chest is quitelong, 8 seconds, and anyone can easilyinterrupt you. This makes it almost mandatory to go there with a group offriends so that they can protect you whileyou open your chest.

To enter, click the gate of the Deathmatch Ring right behindKorgol Crushskull at the entrance of thebuilding.

Looting the chest rewards you with Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (406) Pit Fighter, an item level 37tanking trinket. This item starts thePit Fighter quest. Turning it in gives you theMaster Pit Fighter quest. To complete thissecond quest, you must win the Deathmatch 12 times. After completing thisassignment, you will be rewarded withDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (407) Master Pit Fighter, an item level 37 tanking trinket.



Winning the PvA Deathmatch will reward you with the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (408) Darkmoon Duelistachievement. Winning 12 times willreward you with the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (409) Darkmoon Dominator achievement.


Fishing Darkmoon Daggermaw

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (410) Darkmoon Daggermaws can be fished in the waters surrounding DarkmoonIsland. You can turn them intoGalissa Sundew for rewards.

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (411) Day-Old Darkmoon Doughnut1x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (412)+200 Fishing for 10 minutes
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (413) Recipe: Lemon Herb Filet10x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (414)Versatility food
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (415) Recipe: Extra Lemony Herb Filet10x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (416)Versatility food
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (417) Recipe: Extra Sugary Fish Feast25 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (418)Versatility food
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (419) Seafarer's Slidewhistle25x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (420)Toy
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (421) Recipe: Sugar-Crusted Fish Feast25x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (422)Versatility food
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (423) Darkmoon Firewater25x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (424)Increases gathering speed for Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (425) Recipe: Fancy Darkmoon Feast50x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (426)Versatility food
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (427) Recipe: Extra Fancy Darkmoon Feast50 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (428)Versatility food
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (429) Blorp's Bubble50x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (430)Pet
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (431) Translucent Shell100x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (432)Pet
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (433) Faded Treasure Map100x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (434)Starts a short quest that rewards Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (435) Darkmoon Prize Tickets and Gold
Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (436) Darkwater Skate500x Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (437)Mount



Thanks to your Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (438) Darkmoon Adventurer's Guide, you can loot artifacts youwould not usually see. There is atotal of 9 artifacts. Each can only be collected while doing something specific(running a dungeon or playing in abattleground). Each artifact starts a quest that you can turn in at the DarkmoonFaire, and that rewards 15Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (439) Darkmoon Prize Tickets as well as 250 reputation with the Darkmoon Faire.

Note that you can trade artifacts between players and on the Auction House.

The only constraint when turning in artifacts is that you can only turn themin once per Darkmoon Faire. This meansthat you can turn all 9 artifacts during a Darkmoon Faire, and then again at thenext Darkmoon Faire, and so on.

The 9 artifacts are:

  • Dungeon Artifacts (randomly drop from mobs in dungeons of your level)
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (440) A Treatise on Strategy: starts The Master Strategist (10Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (441))
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (442) Imbued Crystal: starts A Curious Crystal (10Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (443))
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (444) Monstrous Egg: starts An Exotic Egg (10Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (445))
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (446) Mysterious Grimoire: starts An Intriguing Grimoire (10Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (447))
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (448) Ornate Weapon: starts A Wondrous Weapon (10Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (449))
  • Battleground Artifacts (randomly drop from dead enemies in battlegrounds)
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (450) Fallen Adventurer's Journal: starts The Captured Journal (5Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (451))
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (452) Banner of the Fallen: starts A Captured Banner (5Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (453)
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (454) Captured Insignia: starts The Enemy's Insignia (5Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (455))
  • Raid Artifact (randomly drops from bosses in raids of your level)
    • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (456) Soothsayer's Runes: starts Tools of Divination (15Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (457))



Collecting all 5 dungeon artifacts will grant you theDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (458) Darkmoon Dungeoneer achievement.

Collecting all 3 battleground artifacts will grant you theDarkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (459) Darkmoon Defender achievement.

Collecting all the artifacts will grant you the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (460) Darkmoon Despoilerachievements.


Obtaining Darkmoon Trinkets

The Darkmoon Decks are not integral to the event.These trinkets are obtained after acrafting (Inscription only) and trading process that can be long or costly,depending on whether you decide to gatherthe materials and craft the items yourself.

You can still obtain

Decks from previous expansions, but we will notdetail them here. The process for obtainingthem is almost the same. You can receive the following new trinkets inDragonflight:

  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (461) Darkmoon Deck: Dance (Item Level 372)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (462) Darkmoon Deck: Inferno (Item Level 372)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (463) Darkmoon Deck: Rime (Item Level 372)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (464) Darkmoon Deck: Watcher (Item Level 372)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (465) Darkmoon Deck Box: Dance (Item Level 382)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (466) Darkmoon Deck Box: Inferno (Item Level 382)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (467) Darkmoon Deck Box: Rime (Item Level 382)
  • Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (468) Darkmoon Deck Box: Watcher (Item Level 382)

For the lower item-level trinkets, scribes can craft deck bundles containing2 random cards from any of the fourdecks in Dragonflight. The recipe requires a specialization ofArchiving - Darkmoon Mysteries. Tocreate Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (469) Bundle O' Cards: Dragon Isles, you will require: 3Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (470) Awakened Order, 3 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (471) Awakened Air, 3Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (472) Awakened Earth, 3 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (473) Awakened Fire, 3 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (474) Awakened Frost, and3 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (475) Glittering Parchment./p>

Alternatively, you can fish up Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (476) Soggy Clump of Darkmoon Cards, which alsocontains 2 random Darkmoon Cards.

Once you have a complete set, you need to right-click one of the cards tocreate a deck, which can then beright-clicked to create the corresponding trinket.

The lower item-level decks can be upgraded to Item Level 382 versions,requiring the scribe to specialize inArchiving Air/Fire/Frost/Earth and spend even more materials. The exactcost for upgrading a singletrinket is 1 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (477) Spark of Ingenuity, 60 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (478) Primal Chaos, 10Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (479) Writhebark, 12 Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (480) Cosmic Ink,and 10 Awakened Air/Fire/Frost/Earth components, depending on the trinket. Youwill also require the loweritem-level variation of the Darkmoon Deck.

You will find more details in our Inscription guide.

Inscription Profession Guide


Reputation Grind

Every month, you can gain 18,000 reputation with the Darkmoon Faire by doingthe core activities. This meansthat you will need 3 Darkmoon Faires (or 3 months) to grind your way toexalted,from neutral (possibly only 3, if you are a Human).We consider the following to bethe core activities:

  • Mini-games: 2,000 (8x250) reputation per day, so 14,000 per DarkmoonFaire;
  • Profession skill-ups: 1,500 (6x250) reputation per Darkmoon Faire;
  • Testing your strength: 250 reputation per Darkmoon Faire.
  • Artifacts: 2,250 (9*250) reputation per Darkmoon Faire.

Note that doing the daily quests as soon as the Darkmoon Faire is up andbefore the daily quest reset, you cando them 8 times per Darkmoon Faire (instead of only 7 times).

Finally, turning in decks of cards to obtain Darkmoon Card trinkets willalways reward 350 reputation. Rememberthat grinding reputation this way will cost you quite a bit of Gold.

Mini-games and the profession skill-up quests continue awarding reputationall the way to exalted.

Winning the PvA Deathmatch rewards no reputation with the Darkmoon Faire.


Darkmoon Faire Concert — Tauren Chieftains

Every hour, at the concert stage located next to the docks, on thewestern side of the faire, people willbe able to witness a concert of the Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftainband, the virtual alter ego ofThe Tauren Chieftains, a band formed by Blizzard employees, includingMike Morhaime (CEO) and SamwiseDidier (Art Director). The band will play their usualPower of the Hordesong. More information can be found onWoWWiki.


Remaining Achievements

This section will cover the achievements that have not been described yet,because they are not related to aparticular event of the Darkmoon Faire: Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (482) Fairegoer's Feast,Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (483) I Was Promised a Pony,Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (484) Taking the Show on the Road (Alliance / Horde), and Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (485) That Rabbit's Dynamite!.


Fairegoer's Feast

The Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (486) Fairegoer's Feast achievement requires you to taste all 10 typesof food sold byStamp Thunderhorn and all 8 types of drinks sold by Sylannia.These two NPCs are located withinthe Darkmoon Faire, slightly south of the Tonk Challenge ring.


I Was Promised a Pony

To complete the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (487) I Was Promised a Pony achievement, go to the animal farmjust south of the Ring Tossarena. There, find a Darkmoon Pony and ride it (right-click it).


Taking the Show on the Road

To complete the Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (488) Taking the Show on the Road (Alliance / Horde) achievement, buy 6Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (489) Darkmoon Fireworks fromBoomie Sparks at the Darkmoon Faire and launch them off in the 4 capitalcities of your faction as wellas in Shattrath City and Dalaran.


That Rabbit's Dynamite

Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (490) That Rabbit's Dynamite! is granted to you when you kill theDarkmoon Rabbit.



If you have read us this far, we would like to thank you for the time youspent on the site, and we hope thatthe guide brought you all the information you needed. You can rest assured thatWe will update the informationpresented here as the Darkmoon Faire evolves.

As always, we would be pleased to read your feedback (typos, suggestions,praise, etc.) by e-mail or in acomment below.



  • 04 Dec. 2022: Decks and Profession quests updated for Dragonflight.
  • 08 Dec. 2020: Decks updated for Shadowlands.
  • 07 Dec. 2020: Extra Sugary Fish Feast added.
  • 06 Dec. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands with 2 new items.
  • 04 Mar. 2020: Minor updates.
  • 01 Feb. 2020: Updated with Darkmoon Arcade for Patch 8.3.
  • 07 Oct. 2019: Reviewed for Patch 8.2.5. No updates needed.
  • 08 Jul. 2019: Guide reviewed for Patch 8.2. No updates needed.
  • 09 Apr. 2019: Updated for Patch 8.1.5.
  • 06 Jan. 2019: Mentioned the 8.1 update with profession quests now giving +5 skill points to BfA professions.
  • 03 Sep. 2018: Updated for Battle for Azeroth.
    • Added the new Hot Buttered Popcorn toy.
    • Added the new Darkmoon Faire cards.
  • 07 Oct. 2017: Added Darkmoon Dirigible.
  • 04 Jul. 2017: Updated for 7.2.5 and Blight Boar concert.
  • 04 Apr. 2017: Added Inky Black Potion.
  • 09 Nov. 2016: Added new Darkwater Skate mount.
  • 05 Sep. 2016: Updated for Legion.
  • 05 Jul. 2015: Updated for Patch 6.2.
  • 02 May 2015: Finally added all relevant information on races.
  • 12 Dec. 2014: Updated Darkmoon Cards.
  • 02 Nov. 2014: Added new game and new items to some of the vendors. New Darkmoon Cards will be in next month's update, as they are not yet available.

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Darkmoon Faire Guide for World of Warcraft (2025)
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